our stores
The Echelle Canada network has 4 stores in Canada and more than 50 L’Echelle Européenne stores in Europe. Take advantage of the strength of the Echelle Canada network to find your products and services in all of our stores! Find the store closest to you with our interactive map. In our stores, find the different ranges offered by Echelle Canada: equipment for working at height (stepladders, scaffolding, ladders, fall protection PPE, etc.) as well as ourstairs, platforms and bespoke access products

Our network
The Echelle Canada network includes 4 stores in Montreal, Gatineau / Ottawa and Toronto. Take advantage of the strength of the Echelle Europeenne network to find your products & services in all of our stores! Find the store closest to you with our interactive map. Echelle Canada is part of the L'Echelle Européenne brand, which includes more than 50 stores also in France, Spain and Belgium.